
CASL has the opportunity to bring Google Trainers to CT to provided orientation and training on the Google Applied Digital Skills Curriculum


This would be at no cost to MEMBERS, we need to have 25 people in attendance to make this happen.


We can do this in May/June if enough people can attend.


It would be a 3hour workshop. Perhaps in Middletown or Colchester.


Please respond TO ME if you are 1. Interested in attending in May/June and 2. What week in May/June would be best for a workshop if it were 12-3 or 1-4.


Just an FYI…Melissa and I will bring this to Conference Committee for the possibility of offering this as a Pre-Conference workshop on 10/20 from 10-1.

I have invited them to the conference as an Exhibitor and a traditional presenter as well.





Barbara Johnson

Library Media Specialist

Jack Jackter Intermediate School



CT Association of School Librarians President

CECA Board of Directors

#MakerMeetup2018 Organizer


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