Hi Mike,I am in Middletown (and your principal used to be a vice principal here lol). We have about 1300 students, sometimes more, and I circulated about 3000 titles in fiction last year, and am on track for that this year as well.AnnAnn BuchananLibrary Media SpecialistMiddletown High School860-704-4580Follow me on:Instagram @MHSLearningCommonsTwitter @MHSLearningCommPinterest @MHS Learning CommonsOn Wed, May 15, 2019 at 12:08 PM Michele Eligio <meligio@northbranfordschools.org> wrote:Hi,We are not similar in size and locale, but here is what we circulated:North Branford High School - population of 541Circ Stats 2017-2018 = Fiction 316 (total circ stats for year 751)Circ Stats 2018-2019 = Fiction 394 (total circ stats for the year 1,039)On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 11:20 AM Mr. McKenna <mmckenna@simsburyschools.net> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi All!I have an inquisitive, curious building admin who would like to know what print, fiction circulation numbers are like at high school libraries similar to our school's enrollment (approx. 1,400 students) and in our geographic area (Farmington Valley, Hartford County).For context, we've circulated about 500 fiction titles in print to students and staff this year (2018-19). This is about the same number of similar circulations as last school year (2017-18) for us. I think this admin wants to know if this is typical of other high schools like ours, in order to gauge the level of student interest in reading through this medium.If you have the available time and will to generate these stats (2017-18 compared to 2018-19 would suffice), and don't mind sharing them with me to share with my curious admin, I'd be very grateful. Thanks for your consideration, and thanks for all you do!Best,
Mike McKenna, MLS, M.Ed.
Library Media Specialist
Simsbury High School
34 Farms Village Road
Simsbury, CT 06070
(860) 658-0451 x. 161
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Michele Eligio
North Branford High School Librarian
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North Branford, CT 06471
(203) 484-1465
“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.” ~Sidney Sheldon
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Sincerely, Michele Eligio North Branford High School Librarian 49 Caputo Road North Branford, CT 06471 (203) 484-1465