Hello Colleagues!

I hope you are all enjoying these summer days! I wanted to reach out to all of you to announce a wonderful event this fall on which I am on the committee for, and to ask for your help, input, or expertise!

Minds in Motion is a day of exciting, fast-paced, interactive workshops for every student - and their parents too! Hebron Elementary School is proud to be coordinating this event (in cooperation with CAG) for October 26, 2019.  We are currently one of few eastern Connecticut schools offering this enrichment, and we cannot wait to welcome students (grades pre-k through 8) from the region to join us.  I have attached a one-page Save the Date flyer.  If you are in a public library, and feel so moved to do so, please feel free to hang this flyer in advertisement to your patrons! If you would like me to print and mail or deliver to you a color copy to display, I'd be more than happy to do that as well (just say the word).

Our committee is also currently looking for presenters for both children's and adult workshops. If you or someone you know has a particular area of expertise and would like to share that with the community (and gain exposure too!), please check out the 'presenters' tab at http://www.hebronmim.org .  We are looking for a wide variety innovative of topics and offerings!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me (by e-mail is probably best until school starts again).  Thank you!

Katie Clancy
Hebron Elementary School
Library Media Specialist

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