


Magazines and Journals for Librarians

We created a page with up to date lists of online, library-related magazines and journals for librarians that are available in full-text and actively in publication (as of Summer 2019). The page is at:

Titles with the researchIT CT logo are available for free through the Connecticut's statewide library database program. If you are outside of a library or school in Connecticut, you will need your Connecticut public library card number to access the researchIT CT resources. Titles marked with the Open Access button are freely available on the Web.

There are about 30 titles from researchIT and about a dozen Open Access titles listed on the page. Titles available through researchIT include American Libraries, Library Journal, Information Technology and Libraries, Library Technology Reports, and School Library Journal, among others. You’ll see titles listed in 3 groups as follows:

·         General Titles

·         School, Children’s and YA Librarians

·         Academic and Special Librarians

We hope you find this resource useful.


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