Have already gotten several helpful responses! But I'm going to add a bit more info to clarify where I am coming from...

I already meet on a regular basis with departments during their CPT time (they meet every day). We don't have formal department leader meetings but I am also on the School Improvement and School Data teams. So all the "traditional" inroads for an LMS to get in the mix are covered. This is my 2nd year here and there was no LMS at all (because of budget issues) for 2 school years prior to my arrival last year. So what I'm looking for is that last little "easy" piece to push faculty over the line as far as getting in the habit of always keeping me in the loop on what they are doing. A lot of the staff is newer (<5 years) so they still aren't used to having an LMS to support them.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 10:51 AM Wayne Prescott <prescottw@plymouth.k12.ct.us> wrote:
Hi Everyone:

I have some ideas and resources already collected for this initiative, but am looking to see if anyone has a form of any sort (paper of digital) they use with MS or HS teachers to initiate and track collaborative projects. I am looking for a way to "prime the pump" so to speak to get teachers (particularly grades 9-12, English and Social Studies) to communicate with me regarding upcoming projects and needs, particularly those related to research.

I'm looking for something short and easy to complete (for the teachers) that they will be able to send me any time they have a project planned, be it one day in class, or longer term over many classes. I could simply request that teachers add me to their Google Classrooms but that would most likely drown me with information, and I'd have to try and guess where I could be supportive and stick my nose in places where I may not be wanted.

Any thoughts or ideas?


Wayne Prescott
System-Wide Library Media Specialist
Plymouth Public Schools - Terryville High School
33 North Harwinton Ave., Terryville, CT 06786
860-314-2777 x 5431, fax 860-314-2785

Wayne Prescott
System-Wide Library Media Specialist
Plymouth Public Schools - Terryville High School
33 North Harwinton Ave., Terryville, CT 06786
860-314-2777 x 5431, fax 860-314-2785

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