Hi Everyone, 

I am thrilled that my school will be hosting Rob Buyea for an author visit in AprilIt’ll be my first time organizing this type of event.  My Principal had a concern/question that I’d love to get input on. 

We are a grade 5-8 middle school. Many 5th and 6th grade students read Rob’s books and love them! Rob will start the visit with a one-hour presentation that includes a PowerPoint and a question and answer session. I had envisioned this as a school-wide assembly, but some members of my school are concerned that 7th and 8th graders may not be as engaged as the 5th and 6th graders. Has anyone hosted him before that can provide some information? 

 I’m going to make the argument that it’s an opportunity for students to see a Master Author discuss his craft. His books promote empathy and challenge readerto view events from multiple points of view, something we’re always trying to promote and work on in middle school.  

Thank you! 

Allie Johnston 

Har-Bur Middle School Library                                                          
Burlington, CT 