Hi Emily,
I am new to my role as an LMS. My principal asked me to focus on incorporating Makerspace activities this year. It works for me to send out a two-week sign up sheet with ideas for curriculum-linked Maker activities.  The two week cycle gives everyone time to visit. They pick 30-60 minute slots when it’s convenient. When the teachers sign up, they tell me what activity they’d like to do. My schedule is a blend of fixed and flex instruction. I have 3 flex days in a 6 day rotation.  As for materials, we love our Plusplus blocks, legos, and Bunchems for design challenges.  I also like to do arts and crafts, such as 3D wrapping paper bows or make your own valentines. For those I like to get dollar store materials including pipe cleaners, doilies, and tissue paper. I hope this helps!
Allison Loiseau
Highland Elementary
Wallingford, CT

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 8:12 AM Emily Boisvert <ebov@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Good morning,

I'm thinking it had to do with everyone away on winter break but I only had one person share feedback about my makerspace questions so I thought I'd ask again.....

I’ve dabbled in offering maker activities with students from time to time for a few years now but my district is moving towards funding a designated space in each of our k-4 elementary schools....
If I could have a say in what gets purchased, what are some must-include items/kits you’d recommend? Not sure about the budget for it yet....
Also, for those of you with a designated maker space, what are your logistics for scheduling with classes? There are no tech teachers or library assistants in our elementary settings and we are on fixed schedules.....thanks so much!

Emily Boisvert
CASL-L mailing list