Do you have an online example of a student-curated source list either by individuals or teams?

Anyone teaching student curation…?






Debbie Abilock



“Creating an Annotated History Bibliography” link

“How do I teach students to write a researchable question?” link

“Applying Information Literacy Skills to Maps” link


“Jane Jacobs was forever taking on ambitious subjects from new directions, marching imperturbably into all she didn’t know.  She’d never understand, she told an interviewer once, how other authors could ‘stand the boredom of just writing down everything [they] already knew.’  But she paid the price for indulging her insatiable curiosity.  With each new book... ‘I always get scared to death.’ Caught up in complexities of a new field not at first fully apparent, ‘I realize it’s too deep for me, but I have to keep on with it.’  Until she gets it.”

 - from Eyes on the Street: The Life of Jane Jacobs by Robert Kanigel; Knopf, 2016 p. 322.