Good afternoon,
One of our chemistry teachers is looking to run a sort of in-class book club next semester with her class using non-fiction books that tie into her curriculum. She is looking for books that are interesting, engaging, and deal with some sort of chemistry/chemical
phenomena. We talked about Radium Girls, The Poison Squad, The Disappearing Spoon, etc. Just curious if any of your science teachers have a project like this. If so, are there any books that you would recommend that we add to the list? If you happen
to have a teacher that has a similar project, and they would be willing to share their instructions and/or rubrics for the project, that would be great too!
Thanks so much!!
Deborah Sharpe
Librarian, Bracken Memorial Library
The Woodstock Academy
57 Academy Road
Woodstock, CT 06281
(860) 928-6575 ext. 1201
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