Hi all,

I am excited to announce that I have been selected to present at the storytelling conference, Sharing the Fire!   I wrote a blog about the topic of “You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Movement for Self-Care” designed for storytellers, librarians, and other speakers.

Here is the link to my  blog on the topic.



My workshop is a hands on application of how to reduce stress using simple, quick movements that you can do in your performance/ teaching clothes.  Lots of other workshops and performance.  Even a chance at a scholarship for librarians and some scholarships for new storytellers. 


April 3-5, in Saratoga Springs NY

Conference information



Ms. Linda Marchisio

Library Media Specialist

Nearpod Certified Educator

Certified Makerbot Educator

Certified Makerbot Operator

Certified Makerbot Curriculum Creator

Stamford High School

55 Strawberry Hill Ave.

Stamford, CT


instagram StamfordHSLibraryLC


Storyteller and Movement Specialist







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