Hello All Collective Library Brain!

Due to a staffing shift, our library is down to 1.0 LMS - me, and 2 PT clerks that job share and basically assist from 8:30-2. We sometimes have teacher duty support at the doors, but it is really not consistent or reliable. They are either pulled to cover a class, or treat it as a prep. The duty positions are supposed to monitor doors, check passes for travelers and keep everyone in "library manners" mode. We have a 7000 sq ft space above the cafe with 4 entry/exit areas - shaped like a rectangle.

We scan everyone in for attendance - every period (8 per day). Study hall visitors bump up quite a bit during lunch waves- easily 100-150 with an enrollment of 2100.  Lunch waves are periods 4-7- essentially half of the day.

Last year, I was able to get out into classes a lot to work on research instruction and coaching. With this change in October, I am now the chief supervisor in the library all day and my ability to move around the building has ended.  

If the library is not quiet during the lunch waves, teachers will not come in with classes. Essentially, that puts me out of business for half of the day. I need to shift the culture to maintain my practice.

I'm meeting with an VP today during exams to talk about this, and it just so happens the P is conducting assemblies with all grades at the end of the month to review protocols for hats, earbuds, vaping, etc. I'd like to get a message onto his presentation.

I prefer a softer sell than constant announcements and SHHHHing, and do send students who can't be quiet to the cafe. But, that is not effective if I am being observed or if I am working with a class. 

How do other librarians create a culture that is quiet, productive and welcoming?

Stephanie Patterson
Southington High School Library 
"Building character with critical thinking, creativity,
 collaboration and communication."

tel: 860.628.3229 x 11335