Years and years ago we had a kid with cancer.  We put a laptop on a media cart and rolled him around to his classes.  He was set up in the corner of each room so he could see the whole class and they could see him at his home desk.  I see this working easily with a Chromebook, no cart needed.  Google Hangouts would be ideal but back then we used this new product called Skype! :)

Tracy Earnshaw

Teacher Librarian

John Lyman Elementary School

Regional School District 13

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On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 8:25 PM Barbara Johnson <> wrote:
Google Meet all day long! Use a Chromebook and use an external.web cam so it can be mounted on a tripod and focused on the action.
You can sit the Chromebook at a desk, just like the student and add external.speakers to bump up the volume!

On Sun, Mar 8, 2020, 5:52 PM Norton, Keely <> wrote:

Hello all,

I have a student who will be homebound for around a month and possibly through the end of the school year with heart issues. She very much wants to stay connected with her classmates and teachers, and as the LMS, I've been asked what options our school can provide. 

Has anyone successfully set this up in their schools and if so, could you provide some guidance, such as best platform to use (I'm thinking Skype), logistics of hearing the teacher as well as students during a busy class, kinds of equipment needed (teachers have Promethean boards connected to desktops without cameras or mics, and students have Chromebooks), etc.?

Thanks in advance for your guidance!


Keely Norton
Library Media Specialist
Scofield Magnet Middle School
Stamford, CT
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