It is now Google Meet

I creat a Google calendar invite and click on the option to add conferencing.
Then add the email address of people joining you 
You will get a reminder, and all parties just click on a link to join.
I would be happy to set one up and invite those interested, please respond to me from the email you would like to use and I will create an invite for you. I have time on Wednesday, just let me know what time works for you...and I will respond with the calendar invite.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020, 11:23 AM Norton, Keely <> wrote:

Ok all. Next question, is Google Hangouts or Google Chat what I need to use to have students remote into a classroom on a Chromebook? I read that Google Hangouts is being phased out, but currently both are options in the Google Apps menu. Chat looks much easier to navigate and in fact, when I start in Hangouts and then invite someone to join, it opens up a Google Chat me confused. Any light you Google experts can shed on this for me would be appreciated.


Keely Norton
Library Media Specialist
Scofield Magnet Middle School
"Work hard. Be kind."

From: CASL-L <> on behalf of Norton, Keely <>
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2020 5:51:27 PM
To: casl
Subject: [CASL-L] Video conferencing for student at home with illness

Hello all,

I have a student who will be homebound for around a month and possibly through the end of the school year with heart issues. She very much wants to stay connected with her classmates and teachers, and as the LMS, I've been asked what options our school can provide. 

Has anyone successfully set this up in their schools and if so, could you provide some guidance, such as best platform to use (I'm thinking Skype), logistics of hearing the teacher as well as students during a busy class, kinds of equipment needed (teachers have Promethean boards connected to desktops without cameras or mics, and students have Chromebooks), etc.?

Thanks in advance for your guidance!


Keely Norton
Library Media Specialist
Scofield Magnet Middle School
Stamford, CT
"Work hard. Be kind."
CASL-L mailing list

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