Screencastify is free now until the end of April and possibly longer. You just need to contact them. My school just got a free account.

Juliann T. Moskowitz
Director of Library Media
St. Joseph High School
Trumbull, CT 06611

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one."

-- Neil Gaiman, author




From: CASL-L <> on behalf of Matthew Cadorette <>
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:07 PM
To: <>
Subject: [CASL-L] Screen Casting?

Does anyone (and I'm guessing you do) have a suggestions for free screen casting? Screencastify has a free version but it's only in 5 minute lengths.

Thank you and Wash Your Hands.


Matt Cadorette
Waterford High School
20 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT
(860) 437-6956
Lancer Library Website

You can have my book when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
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