Hi Dawn,
I have done the following so far:
-curate high school level resources and share them out to social media, parents and faculty via email, and the school newsletter
-repost and share information on how to get a library card remotely (the public library is doing this now) and how to use the State Library's resources without a library card
-answer tech and Google questions from teachers, parents, students. My principal included in an email to faculty a recommendation to reach out to me for tech questions. 
-posted and retweeted book recommendations, both my own and colleagues 
-My department has been creating tutorials mostly for Google Apps to help people post and submit assignments, host and join virtual meetings, and troubleshoot basic problems. I send these out to the faculty as well.

My future plans: I have a book club and we are in touch via email currently. We are hoping to use Google Meet to have a virtual meeting soon! Also I was in the middle of some co-teaching projects when all of this happened. So I've been working with those teachers on moving those projects online and helping to facilitate them. I want to keep teaching and co-teaching as much as possible. 

Some themes I've noticed:
-People are looking for ebook access. A lot of classes were in the middle of a text and not everyone brought the book home. Or they want to start a new text and not everyone has it.
-People want a contact person if they run into tech problems, like a site not working or got stuck while setting up a meeting, etc. I can solve many of these, and when I can't I can put them in touch with someone who can.
-People are looking for easy, accessible tutorials for the most common distance learning tasks/platforms.
-People appreciate if you find/do something a little fun. I shared a digital escape room I found on social media. One of our cooking teachers sent out a home baking challenge. Students are writing/filming/sharing what they've been up to while social distancing. 

I hope this helps!
-Sarah Briggs
Library/media specialist, Jonathan Law High School
Milford, CT

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020, 10:20 AM Dawn M. Zillich <dzillich@spchs.com> wrote:
Good morning,

I hoping the collective can help me. I'm afraid my job may be eliminated while we are in distance learning mode. I want to pose a suggestion for an "altered" librarian job description and "virtaul hours." Does, or has, anyone changed their job description to match our current way of working? If so, please share your amended job description, especially if you are a high school or teen librarian.

Many thanks,

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 5:35 PM Ariel Wander <aocean1127@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I will also share this padlet (https://padlet.com/aocean1127/m74w0ut5tnyx) that I am working on.  I have been gathering all of the virtual field trips, virtual museum trips, and web cams that I can find and put them on a map in a padlet. 

Please let me know what you think and what places I should add.  I am actively trying to find good resources for South America, Africa, and the Middle East so any help with those places would be amazing.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Ariel Wander
Library Media Specialist
West Haven Schools

On Mar 26, 2020, at 11:56 AM, tenley stoltz <tenley.stoltz@somers.k12.ct.us> wrote:


Thank you so much to everyone for your incredible ideas and willingness to collaborate. I created this Padlet that I sent out to my high schoolers today.  Feel free to share it or just use the links:


On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 11:38 AM Matthew Cadorette <MCadorette@waterfordschools.org> wrote:

Thank you, just sent out stuff to my PE teachers because of you!

Matt Cadorette
Waterford High School
20 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT
(860) 437-6956
Lancer Library Website

You can have my book when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
           Wyoming Library Bumper Sticker

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> on behalf of Egan, Danelle <egand@bethel.k12.ct.us>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:31:26 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] Sharing a resource list
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Inspired to share by Jane, who is just rocking the sharing of awesome resources:

I compiled a list of all the great free resources out there, and tried to group them by subject or department as much as possible. 
This is geared towards middle school level, but much of this will work for any level. I clicked on and looked at everything on here and deemed it useful to share. 
I will be continuing to add to it, so the areas that don't have anything yet will soon. 
Please feel free to share it with your staff. 

Stay well!

Danelle Egan
Library Media Specialist
Bethel Middle School 

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Tenley Stoltz
Library Media Specialist
Somers High School

“The best way to measure how much you've grown isn't by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average-- though those things are important, to be sure. It's what you've done with your time, how you've chosen to spend your days, and whom you've touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.” - R.J. Palacio, Wonder

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