Hi Everyone!
Voting opens today for 2020 Nutmeg Awards!
Voting is scheduled to close on April 30 but we will reassess at the end of the month and extend the window if needed.
Follow this link for all the forms you will need, including paper ballots if we're able to get into our libraries before the voting window closes.
The Google Forms for collecting individual votes are now view only so you will be prompted to make your own copy when you click on those links.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
For those of you who requested the 2021 titles, we are finalizing our materials for the change to the 2021 Intermediate list and will be sending a separate email by the end of the week.
Take care!
Lisa Polack MEd, MLS
School Librarian, Ellington Middle School
Secretary, Nutmeg Book Award