Hi - Question - If I use the permalink to a specific article, will it provide access, or prompt for a password?
We provide the links to our younger students.
Sue Crean

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 9:17 AM Powe, Kymberlee <Kymberlee.Powe@ct.gov> wrote:

See below for information on accessing EBSCO resources without a library card.



Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant | kymberlee.powe@ct.gov Office: (860) 704-2207 | www.ctstatelibrary.org | 786 S. Main St. Middletown, CT 06457| Fax: (860) 704-2228


From: eGO - Statewide Library eBook Platform <CSL-EGO@LIST.CT.GOV> on behalf of Bullis, Bradley <Bradley.Bullis@CT.GOV>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 4:27 PM
Subject: [CSL-EGO] researchIT Remote Access for EBSCO Databases

Dear Public Librarians and Educators:


We have been getting many inquiries about remote access to researchIT for students who do not have a library card.

We have been working with our vendors to temporarily provide remote access to researchIT databases without requiring library card authentication. EBSCO has created a list of temporary links that can be used by patrons and students who don't have a library card at this time.


I have attached links that can be used if students or patrons are having trouble accessing researchIT databases.


The links should provide access using geolocation authentication. If that fails, it should prompt the user for a user name and password.


EBSCO has provided the following universal password that can be used in that case.

username: ctlibresearch

password: Spring20!


Additionally, we are compiling a list of free online educational resources that can be used by educators and students here:  http://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/researchIT_CT/about-researchIT_CT


We will continue to work on solutions to you remote access challenges.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.




 Connecticut State Library


Brad Bullis | Digital Content and Innovation Coordinator, Division of Library Development

Bradley.Bullis@ct.gov | Office: (860) 704-2206

libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/ | 786 South Main St. Middletown, CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228

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Mrs. Sue Crean
Librarian/21st Century Skills Teacher
Whisconier Middle School
Brookfield, CT
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