

Gail Hurley | Professional Development Coordinator, CT State Library, Division of Library Development | | Office: (860) 704-2222 | 786 South Main Street Middletown CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228



Money Smart Week Supporters,

In recognition of Financial Literacy Month, our Supporters have created useful, educational, and insightful webinars on various topics. Each topic is uniquely relevant to our current environment and is pre-recorded so you can view them when it is most convenient for you. Feel free to share the webinars with others who could benefit from them. Stay tuned for more webinars released each week! Find all past and future webinar recordings posted on the new 2020 Financial Literacy Webinars website page (located in ‘Educational Resources’ section). 


Take Control of Your Finances

Join us for this webinar by personal finance educator Karen Chan (one of Money Smart Week’s founding members!) as she walks you through the Money Calendar. She’ll explain how to take control of your finances by focusing on one part of your financial life each month using the Money Calendar guide. You’ll learn where your money goes, evaluate your debt, learn about your credit, and even estimate your income in retirement!

Inside America’s “Financial Diaries”

Check out this webinar to hear Rachel Schneider, co-author of the Financial Diaries: How Americans Cope in a World of Uncertainty, share surprising insights discovered by tracking the personal financial lives of 235 low- and moderate-income Americans. Rachel shares the personal stories of the families she tracked and the crucial lessons we can apply to the challenges we face today.


Money and Budgeting for Kids!

In this kid-focused webinar, J.W. Fansler of Purdue University shares fun and educational personal finance lessons for elementary and middle school aged children. The lessons are designed to spark conversations about money and the importance of spending wisely. If you’re looking to incorporate financial literacy into your homeschool lessons, this webinar is a great place to start.   


Thank you for your continued support of financial literacy in your community!

The Money Smart Week National Team