Hi everyone!
It's been great seeing the publicity materials people are creating to promote the book awards! 
If you shared something with the group, I'm going to write to you and ask if it's ok if we put a copy on our website to have all resources gathered in one place. 

By the way, did you know there was a change to the Nutmeg logo? 
When the award first started it was only one level, what is now the Intermediate Award. At that time, the logo said Nutmeg Children's Book Award, Chosen by Connecticut's Children. You many still see copies of this floating around. 

The Teen level (now Middle School) was added next, and then High School, and Elementary. Somewhere along the way, members of the Nutmeg Steering Committee realized the logo needed to be more general to include YA readers as well and the logo was changed to read Nutmeg Book Award, Chosen by Connecticut's Youth. 

Here's a couple copies of the current logo. You are welcome to use this logo when creating promotional materials. 