Let me know if you need another voice from someone with lots of experience AND nothing to lose at this point.  I retired in 2018 after 30 years, most spent in schools where I'd show up for an all-faculty event and be asked," What are you doing here?  You're not a teacher."  (Sometimes that came from an administrator.)  I spoke out a lot, but kept myself in check because I needed the job.  Now I can speak freely.

So many of the questions I've seen through CASL from librarians trying to help teachers with inflexible lesson plans could have been so different if those teachers had consulted FIRST with their librarians about what resources ARE available, rather than going through exercises in futility looking for resources that aren't.  

Cathy Andronik
(Retired) Brien McMahon HS, Norwalk 

On Wednesday, 20 May 2020, 11:55:13 pm UTC, CASL President <president@ctcasl.org> wrote:

My name is Barbara Johnson, President of the Connecticut Association of School Librarians.
One of our members received a survey from you today focusing on family needs in this unique time. Specifically gaps and needs of families.
Ironically, the Librarians are in unique positions in their District to be able to see the larger picture, identify gaps in learning, and help ensure equity and access yet the role of Librarian was omitted as a choice for this teacher.
The question was asked, "How can we have a voice in our State if our own Union doesn't recognize us?"
I am hoping you can rectify this.
Please let me know and I will inform out membership.
Barbara Johnson
President CASL

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