If anyone else has patrons hoping to buy "book-books" rather than ebooks, for low prices, I also recommend bookoutlet.com.  It's a remainder site with some fairly recent inventory.  You can buy one copy, or multiples, and the site lets you know how many copies are available.  Prices can be as low as $7 for a hardcover book, less for a paperback.  Shipping is free for orders over, I believe, $30 or $35.  I ran a high school book club for which one of the draws was copies of the books to keep; I used them all the time for this purpose.  

Cathy Andronik
(Retired) Brien McMahon HS, Norwalk

On Tuesday, 26 May 2020, 04:32:20 pm UTC, Jane Martellino <janemartellino@gmail.com> wrote:

Early on, I offered to parents the opportunity to get a personalized list for their child for summer reading. The list could be made up of ebooks available through school or public library or print or a combo.  Interestingly, they have all wanted print books which they would purchase.   There's a need to support local independent stores which I do frequently and have made lists that send the families directly to the store for the order.  But the reality is that times are tough and many families have experienced financial difficulties BUT still want to purchase books AND need low prices.  So, here is one way....

I like to use Pictochart to make a flyer and I hand pick books from a discount vendor and then link each book right to the site.  As a school we were able to pick a book for a One School One Book program from this website. Melissa Thom recently shared how she is also pleased with these two companies and uses them for her book giveaways.  Nigel is fabulous to work with so reach out to him at nigel.corish@bookdepot.com  We created our Battle of the Books  list for upcoming 5th graders from the inventory on their site since they had so many great titles to choose from and parents could purchase the whole set for such a cheap price.

Just another way for us to share our expertise and support families.

Jane E. Martellino
Twitter: @janemartellino
Creator of Charter Oak Children's Book Award: www.cocba.org

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