Good afternoon everyone,
I just wanted to pass along some highlights from this weeks weekly wrap up posted on Conntech.

Starting on June 1, the Middletown Library Service Center is open for curbside service by appointment only, Monday through Friday between 9:00 and and 4:00 pm. Patrons who would like to drop off or pick up materials should book an appointment time in advance.

To request items for pickup, patrons may:

This week DLD offered a well- received presentation “Summer Programming During COVID” with 70 librarians attending. The presentation addressed summer anxiety assurances, inclusive engagement ideas while so many are on the negative side of the digital divide, and more.  
During the time that many of us began to telework, DLD hosted and recorded many virtual workshops and presentations. Going forward all workshops including the “Summer Programming During COVID19” geared toward Youth Librarians can be access at any time on the Children’s Recordings page which can be accessed here

Positive feedback from the program evaluations included quotes such as:  
“What works for families without internet work for ALL families’” 
“It acted as a checklist for what I need to finish doing. I was happy to learn how my patrons can access the state library digital books.”  
“Expanding the list of partners/sites to share information about the library this summer-and in the future” 
“I loved the ideas for still having some non-virtual summer reading plans, such as by having information/supplies/trackers available at essential services venues. Also the ideas for people with limited internet access, such as using radio or local access TV!” 





Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant | | Office: (860) 704-2207 | 786 S. Main St. Middletown, CT 06457| Fax: (860) 704-2228