Thank you to those who responded with interest!
 I am not sure of the most effective sharing strategy, so I started a Google Doc and posted a few of the activities that I created and used. As I do this I realize this might be more about getting ideas from each other than actually using the lessons, as many of our lessons will be unique to our schools - either videos of ourselves reading aloud, or teaching use of our school's research tools.  

Here is the link, so I invite you to add to it:

I did post this to the full listserve, and I know this is not of interest to many reading it, so consider this a last call to be in the group, and then I will compile a list of members, so we can share among ourselves.

Elaine Shapiro
Broad Brook School
On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:11 AM Elaine Shapiro <> wrote:
I teach regular preK-4 Library classes, and have been using Seesaw since April 1. Would any of you like to share Library or Technolgoy or Research of Literature activities that you have created or found?  Or would you like to form a group to share ideas?  
We might be doing this for a lo-ong time . . .
Seesaw has groups in its Activity Library for all grades and subjects, except us.

Broad Brook School