I came across this recently and it has tons of possibilities!


At my grade 3-5 school we have used it to wish kids well on their birthday, for graduating grades going up to the next school students have shared thoughts and wishes to incoming grades, exit tickets, answers to essential questions... so great for parent communication! I also saw on a Blog a great thing a teacher did. She made a flipgrid for each one of her students at the beginning of the year and had them add to it each month. At the end of the year she sent a mixtape home as kind of a portfolio of the year in review. 

Have a great summer!

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 5:07 PM Leslie Poulos via CASL-L <casl-l@mylist.net> wrote:
I'm going to be doing a PD on FlipGrid this summer for staff and I have my own thoughts on how classroom teachers can use it (especially at MS level) but if any of you have any fabulous ways you've used it or teachers in your building have used it to promote conversation and collaboration, at K-12 level, please share.

Thanks and best of luck wrapping things up!

Leslie Poulos
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