---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: CECA President <president@cecact.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 12:07 PM
Subject: Fwd: Together, expanding online teaching capacity!
To: <president@ctcasl.org>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jaqueline Cortez Wang <jcortezwang@iste.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 9:26 AM
Subject: Together, expanding online teaching capacity!
To: Jaqueline Cortez Wang <jcortezwang@iste.org>
Cc: Marvyn Anthony <manthony@iste.org>

Dear ISTE Affiliates,


The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that teaching effectively with technology is an essential competency, and that’s an area where ISTE and valued partners like you can serve the broader education community. 


To do its part in getting educators off to a solid start in the fall, ISTE is launching the Summer Learning Academy, a three-week, 15-hour professional learning program to guide teachers in successfully teaching online.   


We’re leveraging our award-winning educator network to bring teachers synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities, including four ISTE U Microcourses, webinars with ISTE authors and ISTE Certified Educators, and access to a personal learning forum. Thanks to support from our partners, we’re able to provide this opportunity for only $20 per educator!


The Summer Learning Academy runs July 13-31, and the content will remain available through October. Teachers and teams can register at bit.ly/ISTEsla20-partner


If you’re able, please share this opportunity by using the sample tweet below or any of the options in this document (+graphics)


Twitter + LinkedIn: Looking for affordable PD on online learning this summer? The @iste community will help you build the skills you need to be successful this fall—with 3 weeks of self-paced microcourses, webinars and a PLC—all for just $20. Learn more: bit.ly/ISTEsla20-partner #ISTEsla20 #Educators


Thank you for your support and for helping us spread the word! 





Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships


iste.org | edsurge.org
