Our library is also very big - size of cafe. The small side rooms are used for a prayer rm, small meetings/groups/ sped readers/ extra help w permission.  We also have a room called silent study - as in NO talking. It’s the only quiet place in the building. 

Stephanie Patterson
Southington High 

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On Jun 17, 2020, at 11:03 AM, KRISTINE P. EMOND <emond.kp@easthartford.org> wrote:

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Hi everyone,

My high school library has 4 main computer labs in the four corners of our library.  It is a huge space.  Because we acquired laptops for distance learning, administration is having us go to 1 to 1 next year - if we go back to school physically, and is already wanting to dismantle the computer desktop labs from my space.  Fortunately, an administrator just called me and wants me to be involved with how the space will now be used.  He suggested maybe keeping a lab for backup, and moving books around.  (I also have a second floor where my non-fiction books are currently).  

I am looking for suggestions, from those who have had this happen to them and from those who wish you could add other spaces in your library.  

I will add that these corners don't have the greatest sight lines, so I do want to make sure what I put in each can be sufficiently monitored.  

And I'm not getting any additional furniture - but can make use of the wheeled computer tables from labs.

Thanks for any suggestions, advice, info.

Kristine Emond

East Hartford High School

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