Dear Participant,

I invite school librarians and school library media specialists in the state of Connecticut to participate in a survey for a research study entitled: “Copyright in the Time of COVID: Connecticut School Librarians’ Self-Reported Copyright Knowledge and the Impact of Distance Learning.” I am currently a student at Southern Connecticut State University enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science program.  This study is part of my Special Project required for graduation.  The purpose of this research study is to determine the state of copyright knowledge among school library media specialists, and if this is an area of professional development that requires greater attention.

Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may choose to discontinue the survey at any time.  Only questions marked as required, noted with a red asterisk, must be completed if you choose to participate. There are no known risks to participation in this project, and survey answers will be kept confidential. You will not be asked any personally identifiable information; all responses will be kept anonymous. Only the researcher will know your individual answers to this questionnaire.  Completing the survey will indicate your informed consent to have the data included as part of the research.

The survey has been designed on Google Forms and is intended to collect information on perceived copyright knowledge among school librarians and resources consulted for copyright guidance, as well as to investigate the role of distance learning as it pertains to copyright concerns.  If you agree to participate in this project, please answer the survey questions to the best of your ability. The questionnaire should take less than 5 minutes to complete. If you wish to participate, the link to the survey can be found below.

If you have any questions about this research study, please feel free to contact Christine Zeiser at  Any questions pertaining to the rights of research participants may be directed to the SCSU Institutional Review Board at (203) 392-5243.  

The survey can be found here:  

Thank you for your help with this effort.

Christine Zeiser