Forwarding from Chris Gauvreau.....


I am sharing news of this upcoming webinar being promoted by  It might be very stimulating for those who are just beginning to think about what kind of projects an LSTA civic or social literacy grant could fund. The applications for such a grant will be due in April of 2021 but planning for a winning application should begin now.




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Christine Gauvreau | Office: (860) 704-2224

School Librarians Can Save Democracy

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm EDT

School Librarians Can Save Democracy

Presented by Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair, New Canaan High School, CT

Sponsored by Mackin Educational Resources

Registration to attend the live presentation is limited to 2,000.


You can sign up below to receive an email with the recording link.


The recording will be posted on this page after the live session. 
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Regardless of ones’ political views, there seems to be consensus on one political reality: America is dangerously polarized. Is democracy in jeopardy? If so, what role does social media play in our divisive public conversations? Are our emotional responses to informational content distorting our perceptions of reality? Are we getting smarter? Dumber? Or do these questions radically oversimplify more complex problems? In this edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala will present a case for the critical need for school librarians in every school, and the importance of equity in access to quality inquiry instructional experiences for all learners – not just for the future of education but for the future of democracy.

This edWebinar will be of interest to grades 6-12 educators across subject areas. Michelle will answer questions throughout the presentation.


Michelle LuhtalaAbout the Presenter

Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut, was one of five school librarians named as a “Mover and Shaker” by Library Journal in 2015. She is the winner of the 2011 “I Love My Librarian” Award and the Library Association’s 2010 Outstanding Librarian Award. The New Canaan High School Library won AASL’s National School Library Program of the year in 2010. Follow Michelle on Twitter @mluhtala.


To participate in the live edWebinar, log in with current version of Google Chrome or install the meeting app prior to the edWebinar on your computer, your Apple device, or Android device.  If you have a firewall in your location, you can participate on your mobile device using your cellular data (not your local network).

The edWebinar recording will be posted to this page the day after the presentation.

Join the Emerging Tech for Schools and Libraries community to network with educators, participate in online discussions, receive invitations to upcoming edWebinars, and view recordings of previous programs to earn CE certificates.

mackin educational resourcesMackin is one of the top providers of library and classroom materials for grades PK-12. Working with over 18,000 publishers and a database of nearly 3 million printed titles, and more than 1.9 million digital titles, Mackin supplies print books, eBooks, online educational databases, audiobooks and video resources to schools around the globe.