Yes and yes.  I feel like everyone is still figuring it out.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 11:43 AM Lori Andrada <> wrote:
Is your public library currently circulating materials?  If so, you could use that as reasoning that you should be circulating materials as well. Also, your students could get materials from there.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 11:09 AM Elaine Lettiere <> wrote:
This is interesting discussion.  I would like to be able to circulate books but my district is saying no book circulation (at least right now).  But they have also eliminated classroom libraries due to sharing of materials. I have concerns about kids getting material to read.  

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 7:48 AM Elizabeth Mueller <> wrote:
Doesn’t your lms have a clickable tab where students and staff can view a list of new books/acquisitions?

On Jul 18, 2020, at 2:30 PM, Michele Lane <> wrote:

I am in the same situation as you. The district librarians and I have worked out a tentative plan for book distribution, but it is all subject to change at any moment. 

Right now the plan is to review how to use Destiny Discover to 'shelf browse/look for books' and request books. Books requested will be pulled, checked out, and be delivered to the cohort during homeroom or a specified time that works best... our school schedule is still being worked on. 

I am working on a book return bin of sorts for each cohort, so students can drop the book in a designated location in the cohort classroom, and then my aide or myself will regularly pick up books, quarantine them, and then check them in.  Again, this is a work in progress. 

I would love to bring a book cart in for students to look through, but right now the direction in my district is that no student can handle another item a student just touched....which makes looking through a cart of books not an option. 

As far as my schedule goes, I am flex, so I will be working with teams to set up a schedule of my lessons, trying to only work with one team per couple of days so I am not crossing teams and grades daily.   This idea will also be used when delivering and picking up books. 

On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 7:08 AM Musket, Kimberly <> wrote:
Good morning-
I am a middle school librarian and have been trying to think of the best ways to get books to students this coming school year. The other middle school librarian in my town and I are working on a plan to get books to students in a safe way. 

We do not have regularly-scheduled classes. We collaborate with classroom teachers. During pre-pandemic times, teachers would bring their classes to get books and students could come down individually to get books. 

We are going to have collection bins for each day of the week so we know when books have been returned. After 72 hours, we will check them in and shelve them. We are thinking that we will have students request the books they want and we will deliver them to classrooms. Maybe have a set schedule such as, Mondays for sixth grade, etc. 

Does anyone else have any good suggestions for getting books to middle school students?

Thank you
Kim Musket
School Librarian
James H. Moran, Sr. Middle School

Currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling, Illustrated by Jim Kay.
Currently listening to The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis.

Just finished reading: 
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling, Illustrated by Jim Kay.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Illustrated by Jim Kay.
To Night Owl from Dogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan 
arry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling, Illustrated by Jim Kay

Just finished listening to: 
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess by Shari Green.
Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed
The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee

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Michele Lane
Library Media Specialist
William J.Johnston Middle School
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CASL-L mailing list
Elaine Lettiere
School Librarian
Preston Veterans Memorial School
Preston Plains Middle School
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Elaine Lettiere
School Librarian
Preston Veterans Memorial School
Preston Plains Middle School
Preston, CT

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