Hello CASL! I just wanted to touch base about the CASL Book Clubs that are happening this summer. I know everyone is probably stretched to the max, but some of us met last night to discuss Stamped by Jason Reynolds and the conversation was rich and valuable. In fact, we are going to schedule a second meeting to delve further into the book and our role in our schools. (see below)
If you would like to join our SECOND session of Stamped, or, if you would like to participate in one of the other clubs, please sign up in this form.Â
https://forms.gle/HcpGf1pLGKAHiJAh6Â Â You will then receive a calendar invite for the club.
Even if you can not make it virtually, you can still add to our discussion board. There is one for each book.Â
Tomorrow night from 7-8 pm we are meeting to discuss From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks.
On August 12th we are meeting to discuss This Book is Anti-Racist.
Shannon McNeiceLibrary Media Specialist
West Hartford, CT 06107
Any opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by WHPS.