In the end, we preferred DocHub. Kami looked nice but had more limitations for what you can do as a free app. DocHub isn't as pretty but did everything we wanted and integrated with Google Drive with fewer notifications of "you need to pay to access this feature".

With that said, we try to encourage teachers to use a Google Doc when they can. We teach our kids to annotate PDF's but it's not seamless so transferring PDF's to a Google Doc format is usually worth the effort when that is an option.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 2:38 PM Cerra, Lori HS Library Media Specialist <> wrote:

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about kami? Its a PDF and document annotation app. 

Lori Cerra
Library Media Specialist 
New Milford High School
388 Danbury Road
New Milford, CT 06776
860-350-6647 ext. 1211
CASL-L mailing list


Jennifer Rocca
BHS Teacher Librarian
203-775-7725 x-7775

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