Good morning!

NAMLE has put together a list of events for the week - there are lots to choose from!

Thinkalong, from CT Public Media including PBS, has 2 events:

Thinkalong Educator Training

Monday, October 26 @ 6 p.m. ET
In this training, we’ll lead participants through Thinkalong’s structure — its journalism content, extension resources, educator supports, and evidence-based media literacy framework — by demonstrating the website and a particular module.
[register here]

Thinkalong Structured Debate

Tuesday, October 27 @ 5:30 p.m. ET
In this training, the Thinkalong team will engage participants in a live, structured discussion about a pre-determined topic. There are limited participant spaces, and participants will agree on the topic and consume approximately 1 hour of public media content in preparation for the discussion.
[register here]

Also, in case you missed it, here is Melissa Thom's Podcast for School Librarian's United featuring Media Literacy Essentials.

If there are any other resources, please let us know. 

Have an amazing week!

Jenny Lussier
CASL Secretary
CT Association of School Librarians