Digital books have yet to take hold here.

If I needed a fast turnaround, I'd look at the Follett's Pick Lists (because I already purchase there, and they have several easy to thread lists- and they have a service that can create lists for you pretty quickly) and I've always had good feedback from Junior Library Guild categories.

For HS, Mary Haggerty is going to send me the Follett Picks list materials they have for Black/Latinx- and I plan to make some purchases to prepare for the new social studies courses required by the state. 

We are not circulating books on a regular basis. The library has been converted to rows of student desks for assigned study halls with the bookcases pushed up against the walls. I hope we are back to something closer to the old normal for next year.

Stephanie Patterson
Southington High School Library 
"Building character with critical thinking, creativity,
 collaboration and communication."

tel: 860.628.3229 x 11335

From: CASL-L <> on behalf of Sarah Dolan-Adamec <>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 10:20 AM
To: <>
Subject: [CASL-L] Purchasing Advice Needed...

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Hi Everyone J


I have some insurance claim money that needs to be spent ASAP on digital and/or printed books.


·         What lists or resources would you consult to make book purchases?

·         Which digital book platforms to you recommend that would not involve a subscription?

·         Have you honestly found that students are taking advantage of digital books? Which grade level?



I really appreciate your advice!!


J Sarah