Good morning, all!

I recently caught wind of a district that may be in a battle over keeping certified LMS staff in a tight budget year. 

I know I've seen resources shared before to help make the case, but can't seem to put my fingers on them.

If you know of/have any great resources that I would be able to share with a colleague ready to fight the fight, I would appreciate it!


Jill Pace
Library Media Specialist
Sharon Center School
w: 860-364-5153

Now reading: 
The Beast and the Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillips (ALC from
Gizmo and Wedgie by Suzanne Selfours

Recently Finished: 
Dear Martin by Nic Stone (Audiobook from Oliver Wolcott Library)
Root Magic by Eden Royce (ALC from
Written in the Stars by Aisha Saeed