HI Elaine,Would you be willing to share a compilation of responses you get? We are always looking for more animal nonfiction. I also love Blastoff readers, and the idea of weeding Nature's Children! In addition to the series that have been shared already, I also like the Amazing Animals series from Creative Publications.ÂThanks,AnneAnne PorierSchool LibrarianMoses Y. Beach Elementary School340 N. Main St.Wallingford CT203-294-3950Twitter: @APorier_______________________________________________On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 9:03 PM Elaine Shapiro <elaine.shapiro7@gmail.com> wrote:My school is preK-4, and I am slowly updating the nonfiction animal books. I like the Blastoff Readers, and am seeking suggestions of other series to look at. I am weeding out the "Nature's Children" series - too old, too long, too wordy. Â_______________________________________________Thank youElaine Shapiro, Broad Brook School
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