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From: Copyright & Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens <info@copyrightandcreativity.org>
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2021, 6:30 AM
Subject: C&C Game on Alludo | Professional Development for Educators
To: <president@ctcasl.org>

C&C and ALLUDO partner on gamified professional development for teachers
Copyright & Creativity is pleased to announce a new collaboration with Alludo Learning. Beginning January 2021, C&C is offering a new adaptation of its free professional development coursedesigned to help educators learn and teach about copyright and fair use as practical life skills in a digital ageon the Alludo platform.

Used by school districts across the country, Alludo provides gamified professional development for educators, delivered via short, self-paced micro-learning activities. The new C&C “game” breaks down important copyright and fair use concepts into a series of convenient, bite-sized learning tasks of between 5 and 15 minutes.
Join us for a webinar with Alludo:
Thursday, January 28th at 4:00 p.m. PST.
Or, if your district already uses Alludo, you can simply sign in to Alludo and find C&C in the Catalog under the Alludo Learning tile. If your district doesn't use Alludo, learn more about it here, or check out Alludo's self-paced demo course.

C&C's professional development course is still available in its original form on Canvas, where it remains free and accessible to educators in Canvas and non-Canvas districts alike.

Join our live discussion with Alludo and learn how copyright is becoming an essential element of digital citizenship and more. Thursday, January 28th at 4:00 PM PST. Register here.
Looking for more information on C&C resources? Join our webinar introducing our FREE K-12 curriculum and other teaching resources for teaching copyright and fair use. February 4 at 4:00 PM PST. Register here. Or stop in at one of our regular online office hours.

C&C has regular office hours where we introduce our resources and answer any curriculum questions.

C&C is a nonprofit project offering a full suite of free K-12 resources for teaching copyright and fair use. www.copyrightandcreativity.org Send questions to info@copyrightandcreativity.org
