Thank you to those who answered my request for non fiction animal series.  Here is a compilation of suggestions: - Bullfrog and Pogo

Pebble Plus, and Pebble, Little Pebble, Passport to nature, Outdoor science, all   Capstone imprints

Who Would Win book series Science Slam Series

www. Little Pebble Series PowerKids Press Creatures of the Forest Habitat ect. Natures Engineers

Pebble Go database

Amazing Animals from Creative Publications (Follett has the ebook, so you can preview it on their site).  They also have the series Seedlings, which has easier text.

EyeDiscover, the All About series   They have the feature to show the book online and the pages are little videos that bring the book to life.  I think this is an AV2 publication.

Bearport has several options in the Science Slam series.

National Geographic Kids readers, National Geographic animal books – not sure if these are different.