Thank you to those of you who answered my question about the poetry book with the poem Incident, which contains the N word.

After talking to many people, I have concluded that there is nothing wrong with this book being in my library.  The poem is written by a black writer, and demonstrates exactly why this word is harmful, when spoken by white people.  I plan to attach a footnote to the poem, as a word of caution to potential readers, and stating that this word should not be used, as it would offend black students.   In context, it provides a teachable moment, if a student did use the word.  And, all the other poems in it are valuable. To remove the book would be to remove many these black voices from our collection

This experience shows me how much we as teachers and librarians need good professional development on race. It is a difficult topic, makes many adults uncomfortable, and the only way forward is more education - for ourselves, so that we may better educate our students.

This organization is working hard in this area:
