Ditto what Casey said - 

Also add - 
Orleans by Sherri Smith
Skyhunter by Marie Lu
Want by Cindy Pon
Dread Nation - a current HS Nutmeg nominee, but would be fine for 8th graders

Good Luck Girls deals with girls being sold into prostitution and being marked/tatooed - not sure what your parent community would think of that topic in the beginning.  It's not graphic - but present.

On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 11:12 AM Polack, Lisa <lpolack@ellingtonschools.net> wrote:
Hello everyone!
I have a specific request from a teacher in my school and hoping you can help.
She is looking for recommendations for dystopian books, published in the past few years, at an 8th grade level - preferably by a BIPOC author. Any ideas? 

Lisa Polack  MEd, MLS
School Librarian, Ellington Middle School
6th Grade, Distance Learning ELA Teacher
Secretary, Nutmeg Book Award

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