My name is Jennifer Melnick, and I am a graduate student enrolled in the Master of Library and Science program at Southern Connecticut State University. For those of you who have not seen the previous email, below is a reminder of an ongoing research study seeking your participation.  This study is part of my Special Project required for graduation.  


I invite all school librarians and media specialists, who are currently teaching in the State of Connecticut and use Follett Destiny, to participate in a research study entitled “Digital Resources: The Impact of COVID-19 on E-book and Audiobook Collection Development and Circulation in Connecticut Schools.”  The purpose of this research study is to examine whether or not schools are curating more digital resources since the pandemic began, and whether or not those items are circulating more frequently.       


Your participation in this research study is completely voluntary.  If you choose to participate, you may skip any questions which you do not wish to answer.  You may also discontinue taking the survey at any time, and you will not be penalized.  You will not receive any compensation for completing this study.  Your responses will remain anonymous, and no identifiable information will be published in the research study.  There are no known risks for choosing to participate.  Completing the survey will indicate your informed consent to have the data included as part of the research.  


If you agree to participate in this study, please answer the questions as accurately as possible.  The survey should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.  If you wish to participate, the link to the survey is listed below:  


If you have any questions concerning this research study, please contact Jennifer Melnick at  Any questions pertaining to the rights of research participants may be directed to the SCSU Institutional Review Board at (203) 392-5243.   


Thank you for your participation. 



Jennifer Melnick