On Friday, 19 March 2021, 02:44:13 pm GMT-4, Ariel Wander <aocean1127@gmail.com> wrote:

Some children’s and teens public librarians have started to organize a series of podcasts to be published this upcoming summer. These podcasts will feature discussions of the 2022 Nutmeg Nominees as well as interviews with guests on related topics. We would love it if any school librarians wanted to work on these podcasts with us. 
We've been working hard on the planning and behind the scenes work and are looking for more people who'd like to join us for the most fun part - talking about books! There are a number of ways that you could participate (for example, co-hosting or being a guest on a podcast, creating promotional material, etc.).
Here's what you need to know:
  • The Elementary level discussion will be more book talk focused and will tie in related facts, jokes, and activities due to the shorter nature of the texts as well as the combination of non-fiction and fiction.
  • Intermediate through high school levels will pair two texts to discuss in depth, compare and contrast, and analyze themes and characters, etc. There will be spoilers.
  • Recordings will be done via Zoom and each episode will take 30 minutes - 1 hour to record.
  • Recordings will be done between the end of March and May and will hopefully be concluded before summer begins.
  • If you choose to be a host, you will need to read both paired texts prior to recording.
    • Pairings are still being decided, so for now just sign up next to any book you're interested in.
  • REMEMBER the titles are still secret until May 1 so no discussing specific titles with non-librarians at this time.
If you're interested, simply click THIS LINK and follow the directions. One of the other librarians or I will be in contact with you in the course of the next 1-2 weeks as we finalize the recording schedule to confirm your interest. Again, since the titles are still a SECRET you can mention this project to non-librarians, but you cannot tell them the titles we will be discussing. However, you can share the link with other librarians who may not be on these lists if you think they would like to participate.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you so much for your time.

Ariel Wander
Public Service Librarian
Westbrook Public Library
CASL-L mailing list