Weeding in the Garden of Good & Evil


Monday, May 3, 10:00am – noon

Online workshop via Zoom



Weeding your library's collection can be a daunting task, but it is a critical component to providing excellent library service to your community. This workshop will give you the tools and enthusiasm that you will need to assess your collection and make decisions on what material needs to be weeded out of it. Our approach to weeding is that it isn't the irresponsible disposal of the library's property, but rather a part of the public service to borrowers, that of maintaining the best possible collection for the community.


The workshop will cover:

  • The purpose of weeding
  • Criteria for weeding decisions
  • The mechanics of weeding
  • Developing a weeding policy
  • Resources for disposal of weeded material


The presenters for this workshop are Kym Powe and Maria Bernier from the Connecticut State Library, Division of Library Development.


This workshop will be conducted online via Zoom and will be recorded.


For more professional development opportunities,
visit the Division of Library Development’s
Continuing Education Calendar at


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