On Tue, May 11, 2021, 9:10 AM Rosanne Trissler <rtrissler@lasalle-academy.org> wrote:

Hello Barbara-

I am reaching out to you and CASL’s communication team with the hope that you will be able to share this information about RILA’s upcoming conference with your membership.  If another contact person is more appropriate, please let me know.


While this spring is busy with many virtual gatherings (which is wonderful), we are hoping that those librarians who can make the conference will come away with new ideas on promoting diversity, inclusion, deep reading, student voice and mindfulness.  There is a lot there- especially on Friday, June 4th - to carry school librarians through and beyond this very challenging year presented to us by Covid-19!


Here is the basic information.  Thank you so much for helping us get the word out.

Conference registration link:





We are very excited about the chance to hear Dr. Nicole A. Cooke on Friday, June 4. Dr. Cooke is the Augusta Baker Endowed Chair and Associate Professor at the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina. Her most recent publications include fake news and alternative facts, implementing social justice in the library classroom and developing culturally competent librarians.  Sign me up!


We are also featuring instructional strategies and programming ideas from my Rhode Island school and public library colleagues.  Please join me in registering for the RILA 2021 Virtual Conference. 

RILA members $35 both days

Nonmembers $40 both days

The schedule and workshop session descriptions are posted on the RILA conference website.

Recorded sessions will be available through the conference app for six months.


Rosanne Trissler
Head Librarian

Reading Now!