The winners are...

2021 Elementary 2-3 Nutmeg Book Award Winner
We Don't Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins   

2021 Intermediate 4-6 Nutmeg Book Award Winner
Restart by Gordon Korman  

2021 Middle School 7-8 Nutmeg Book Award Winner
New Kid by Jerry Craft

2021 High School 9-12 Nutmeg Book Award Winner (by just 3 votes!)
Symptoms of Being Human By Jeff Garvin   

A full list with the voting breakdown is attached to this message. 

Thank you to all the teachers and librarians who promoted these titles and submitted votes.

Additional thanks to our 2021 Selection Committee Chairpeople and Members who read A LOT of books to come up with these excellent nominees. 

Do you have a creative way to promote the Nutmeg nominees or a fun/innovative way to engage student readers with these lists of books?
We'd love to hear from you, and share your ideas on our website! 
We hope to also feature some of these ideas in newsletters throughout the year. 
Thank you in advance for sharing! 

Lisa Polack  MEd, MLS
School Librarian, Ellington Middle School
6th Grade, Distance Learning ELA Teacher
Secretary, Nutmeg Book Award