Hello everyone!
I posted this once already, but wanted to post again. Eastford is an extremely small town and we are looking for a Head Librarian. It is part time hours - so perfect for someone who is only working part time in a school library, or maybe someone who is retired and looking to get back into a library setting. Our little town is tiny (PK-8 school with about 150 students if that is any indication!) and we would love to have some great applicants make the library their own! It is really a great opportunity for you to build programs. add to the collection, and develop relationships within the community. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Here's a copy of the job listing - it's a simple ad because we are really looking for someone to grow in this role and help update the library:
The Eastford Public Library is seeking a Head Librarian, degree in Library Science or Library Media Specialist preferred but not required. The ideal candidate will have experience in collection
development, programming, grant writing, supervision of staff, budgeting and strong communication skills. The position is currently scheduled for 25 hours per week. Please submit a cover letter and resume by June 22, 2021 to FirstSelectman@TownofEastford.com
Jen Larkin
School Librarian
EO Smith High School
Resident of Eastford