Weekly Wrap-up | June 18, 2021


“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

—Lao Tzu




Director’s Corner



Description automatically generated with low confidenceTransformation for Libraries - The Futures School:

Applied Foresight Accelerator


3-Day Live Online Program | August 2-4 8:30 am-12 pm and 1:30-5 pm daily


CSL DLD’s Transformation for Libraries: The Futures School IMLS National Grant Project has come full circle and is returning to Connecticut for an August Applied Foresight Accelerator Program. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in a program that Sarah Fuller, IMLS referred to as “a game changer for librarians,” and from our Cohorts:


“It's great to have a model that is normally applied to business be specifically applied to libraries. Our profession really needs a shakeup!”

– Florida Cohort


“The Futures School provided a powerful, engaging way to deconstruct our biases and environmental variables to predict various future scenarios that affect our long-term vision and mission.”

– Doug Casey, Executive Director, Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology


"This class was great! The presenters, support staff and materials created an atmosphere where I was learning and trying things I've never done before, but it all made sense. The group projects were the best part. And I hate group work! I left feeling energized and prepared to use these skills immediately to create better outcomes.”

– Aramis J. Troche, Head Children & Teen Librarian, Palm Beach County Library System - Acreage Branch


Built on a vision of developing learning experiences that help you to be “fueled by foresight” in all that you do – this unique training program is presented in partnership with Kedge and The Futures School. It emerged from a growing realization among leaders and organizations that success in the 21st century landscape of rapid change means we must embrace new pathways to the future. In other words, we need to foster mindsets and skills that help us to seize untapped possibilities and opportunities.


You have the opportunity to participate in this pilot project. With tangible results and a repeatable framework, you’ll be on your way to developing a foresight mindset and skillset, ensuring you are primed for market-leading innovation, successful opportunity development, and futures intelligence. Ultimately, you will learn a strategic framework that enables you to continuously learn-unlearn-relearn to lead discussions and actions in the transformation of libraries.


Learn more:


You must be able to commit to the full 3-day program since the content builds, and you will be contributing to the same small group during the three days.


We look forward to working with you!


To apply, please send an email of intent to Dawn La Valle at dawn.lavalle@ct.gov by close of business July 2.



Blue and yellow left-side graphic
Learning | Leading | Future
The Connecticut Vision for Resource Sharing Pilot
CT State Library
Division of Library Development


We are pleased to invite CT libraries to participate in the Lead Your Library Pilot program where you will engage in a practical overview of the CT Vision for Resource Sharing. 


In order to embrace a learn-unlearn-relearn and “long now” mindset - a holistic way of thinking that includes the best ideas from yesterday and the most dynamic visions from tomorrow in order to create robust and successful resource sharing vision today, the CT State Library ACLPD Resource Sharing Committee is seeking to enhance CT libraries ability to anticipate and respond to imminent social, technological, environmental, economic, political and consumption trends through Strategic Foresight pertaining to resource sharing. To this end, it desires to strengthen CT libraries capacity to engage in robust resource sharing beyond the present literacy and practice.


We are looking for Pilot Libraries representative of all types of libraries in CT:

  • Small standalone public libraries (serving less than 10,000 population)
  • Medium standalone public libraries (serving 10,000 to 99,999 population)
  • Large standalone public libraries (serving 100,000 and over population)
  • Libraries participating in shared automation systems
  • Special libraries
  • Academic libraries
  • Institution libraries
  • Libraries serving persons with disabilities
  • School Libraries


Pilot Orientation:

  • Overview of CT Vision
  • Overview of Strategic Foresight Scenarios
  • Library staff training
  • Goals
  • Evaluation Instrument
  • Summary conversations


Pilot Duration:

Pilot will take place June 15th through August 15th. Timing is flexible based on availability of Pilot leads.


For more information, contact Dawn La Valle at dawn.lavalle@ct.gov.





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Division of Library Development | Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457
libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld | (203) 704-2200


CT State Library is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

© 2016 CT State Library. All rights reserved.


Ashley Sklar (she/ her) | Adult Services and Community Engagement Consultant, Division of Library Development

ashley.sklar@ct.gov | Office: (860) 704-2222

libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld | 786 South Main St. Middletown, CT 06457 | Fax: (860) 704-2228