
We invite you to participate in a research survey to evaluate the use and management practices of libraries that own 3D virtual anatomy tables to support anatomy learning within their communities. Three-dimensional (3D) virtual anatomy tables (also known as virtual dissection tables) are often described as large or life-sized digital tables with touchscreens. These tables allow users to interact with anatomy models, perform virtual dissections, and explore various anatomy learning tools. 

This survey will ask about the virtual anatomy table services that your library offers, how your library manages appointments for your anatomy table, and how your anatomy table services have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and no identifying information will be collected that could connect participants with their survey responses. All data will be transmitted and stored securely and will be made available only to persons conducting the study. The survey results will only be reported in an aggregate manner when shared in future publications or presentations.

If you have questions at any time about the study or the procedures, you may contact the primary researchers, Melanie Dixson and Niki Kirkpatrick (865-974-4700, hslibs@utk.edu). If you have any questions about your rights as a participant, contact University of Tennessee, IRB Compliance Officer at 865-974-7697 or utkirb@utk.edu.

You may access the survey here: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2udHh4vAwFkGvQy

The survey will close on Monday, August 2, 2021 at 11 PM EST.

Please forward this invitation to any relevant library listservs that may be interested in this survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Melanie Dixson & Niki Kirkpatrick

Health Sciences Librarians, University of Tennessee Libraries


Melanie Dixson & Niki Kirkpatrick

Health Sciences Librarians

Assistant Professors

she, her, hers

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

UT Libraries | Hodges Library 
