Hi Tom!

I needed to do the same thing with 8th grade, and I decided to focus on career exploration! We used different tools to think about the students' interests, and then we found friends and relatives in the community who were willing to be interviewed via Zoom. The students were graded on coming up with questions for the interviewees and completing quick ed puzzle "day in the life" videos as well!.. It was awesome to see them reflect on how they felt about different careers, and this is something that I wish I had experienced before graduating from high school!

-Sarah Dolan-Adamec

From: CASL-L <casl-l-bounces@mylist.net> on behalf of Thomas Andronowitz <TAndronowitz@thomastonschools.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 1:37:21 PM
To: casl list serv
Subject: [CASL-L] Middle school course ideas
Hello all,
I’ve recently been charged with teaching a half year course to middle school students (grades 7/8). I’ve been given free reign to teach whatever I want and am looking for ideas and/or existing curriculum for courses that are already up and running. Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to share their ideas or curriculum for such a course with me. 
Tom Andronowitz
Thomas J. Andronowitz
Library Media Specialist
Thomaston High School