On Aug 3, 2021, at 7:57 AM, Margarida Alves <malves@npsct.org> wrote:
I work in a K-4 school and we did Humphrey one year. It was a big hit!--On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 7:51 AM Allison Loiseau <librarianallie@gmail.com> wrote:Good morning,_______________________________________________We have a lovely new principal at Mitchell Elementary School in Woodbury. She is an eager supporter of literacy and she wants to do a One School, One Book program for our K-5 school. Be still my LMS heart! I am so excited! I am struggling to find the right title for our school. Our community is a bit resistant to pushing boundaries, so I want to make the first selection as minimally controversial as possible. That being said, I would prefer to select something by an author from an underrepresented group if possible. My principal would prefer a chapter book to extend the duration of the program. I am considering A Boy Called Bat or one of the Humphrey books. We were hoping to get it rolling this fall and I want to be sure the title is appropriate for all levels. Every book I read that I think may be a good fit seems a bit high for K or juvenile for 5. Any suggestions? I appreciate any feedback or insight. Thanks in advance and enjoy your remaining summer.With gratitude,Allison LoiseauMitchell Elementary SchoolWoodbury, CT
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_______________________________________________Margarida P. Alves
Library Media Specialist
Anna Reynolds Elementary School
85 Reservoir Road
Newington, CT. 06111
Reading Just Read On Deck
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