Hi, Everyone!
Would you like to join me in a book discussion group during the month of September?
We'll talk about the book All Learning is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom
by Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher and Dominique Smith.
You can hear me describe the book on CASEL's  Favorite Professional Books Flipgrid (Thank you for the reminder to post, Jenny!)
I love this book because it demonstrates how to make SEL part of the daily interactions with all learners. 
There are 5 themes with recommended picture books and chapter books .
I thought it would be fun to discuss one theme a week. We could look at the recommended picture books and chapter books and think about how we could turn them into lessons. 

Interested in joining the discussion? I hope so!

Here's the schedule:
9/2 Identity and Agency
9/9 Emotional Regulation
9/16 Cognitive Regulation
9/23 Social Skills
9/30 Public Spirit

Here's a link to register.

Maureen Schlosser
Author: Lessons Inspired by Picture Books for Primary Grades
Blog: Library Lessons With Books and KnowledgeQuest